Music is an amazing life teacher, makes people better. Dedication to this art makes our lives more harmonious and teaches us to PLAY in it. We regain our original and sincere childhood joy.
In the conventional education system, we are taught that life is a constant pursuit of goals and destinations with the idea that the next will bring happiness and inner harmony. But when we reach the next level - happiness is short and instantaneous. And then we start racing to the next goal again until we get old and our energy starts to run out.
At the same time, music teaches us the opposite. It is not a destination - it is a journey. A game that happens here and now, we do not think about the future and the past. A game in which there are no right or wrong answers, but there is sincere joy. As it should be in life. If we manage to play music in-depth - children's joy and peace will prevail in us. And from there - in the world. This is exactly what we want to pass on to our students.
If we learn to play music in-depth - children's joy and harmony will prevail in us and in the world. We want to pass this on to our students.
"Music lessons develop invaluable personal qualities and skills and we do our best to make music accessible to more people."
Melina Krumova, founder